Editor's review
Certainly you may have got many software programs that can aid in recording audio chats over IMs. But now rarely audio chats are preferred as there is possibility to go for video chats. As a result for various purposes you might have the requirement to record the videos too as a proof. Therefore to make recording possible in easy and effective take Chat Video Recording Software 1.0. Self explanatory from the software’s name, its functionality is nothing but record the ongoing video calling. Brilliant in its performance, this program carries out recording of videos as well as audio in perfect synchronization plus keeps the quality of videos high and untempered.
The Chat Video Recording Software caters the need of video chatting tools and can record screens which are of any dimension including full screen. It actually goes well with applications such as Skype, MSN, Yahoo Messenger etc. This software application additionally can also aid in recording videos from your camcorder effectively. Interface of the Chat video recorder the simplest of the kinds you can find anywhere. Eight buttons capable performing different functions are fitted in two columns comprising 4 in each. Record Area, Record Window and Record Full Screen buttons fitted on the left column of the interface window will certainly make it clear as to what and how varied it can allows in recording. As already mentioned, the pictures which are recorded by this application are neat and perfectly clear. Limiting video time as well as limiting of file size are possible with it and obtain the appropriate outputs you want. Lastly you also can embed watermarks into the recorded videos and use them in all ways possible.
Owing to the fine recording features, great output quality of files and decent price it carries, we can easily rate the Chat Video Recording Software with a score of three out of five.
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